Friday, March 5, 2010

Relaxed Concentration in sports

As The title of the blog suggests, it would seem to a paradox. Everybody seems to be asking this question" How to concentrate and yet be relaxed?" This article will dwell into art of relaxed concentration.

Relaxed Concentration is an art. Yes it is. It can be practiced in many a place. Practicing it in complex fast moving activities is quite a challenge since everything is happening so fast. I would recommend to begin practicing on non challenging activities and start doing them in a concentrated yet relaxed way. The benefit of doing this is quality and not quantity. Quality is hard to define.It can be correlated to peace that one feels with in or the the sense of calm one feels as he is doing a certain activity with supreme attention.

Next time on the tennis court, slow down your strokes . have some attention within. become acutely aware of your stroking technique, the feel of the ball. don't try to alter anything. Let
your body automatically correct it if needs to.

Benefits In the the tennis world, it translates into tracking the ball longer, the head naturally becomes still, you are more centered, the feet are light and perfect and your timing is excellent. Try it out and see!!


TIFOSO said...

Great post! In Formula One, some of the drivers take a power nap in the garage before the actual race, with all the activity going around them. It helps them to focus on what is necessary and eliminate the unnecessary..It translates to better results on the track.

TIFOSO said...
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About Me

One who is just beginning to slowly think clearly about life and understand what I am or what is( it is dynamic)Hence I need to follow it swiftly with a pliable heart and a quiet mind.
